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[Updated Notice] Balance patch update in the CFS Tournament Client


Balance patch update in the CFS Tournament Client

A balance patch will be applied to the CFS Tournament Client, the client used for CFS global competitions.
The balance patch is focused to reduce the gap which previously existed among various clients worldwide. Also, the patch is aimed to allow more tactics & new playstyles to be introduced by professional players when playing competitive matches.
M4A1 can now produce a sufficient power in the CFS Tournament Client from this patch. Also, some in-game map objects are modified, not allowing easy penetration (wall-shot), leading players to consider wider range of strategies while playing in both Global Risks and Black Lists.
We would like the players and fans to look forward to the upcoming CFS 2020 Grand Finals that would be the first tournament to be hosted using the updated Tournament Client.
The balance patch that is applied to the tournament client will also be officially updated to all CROSSFIRE live servers currently being serviced within October, 2020. Therefore every users will be able to experience the new version starting from this month.
Please find below for the detailed information regarding the balance patch.
[Modification on M4A1’s penetration rate]
M4A1 is one of the main primary weapon, widely used from many users due to high accuracy and stability.
However, M4A1’s appearance in global CROSSFIRE esports competitions such as CFS was rarely seen due to the low damage rate compared to other rifles.
Therefore we adjusted the M4A1’s penetration rate for the players’ convenience during CROSSFIRE esports tournaments.
- (Before) - 33% -> (After) – 100%
- Updated Regions: Updated in all regions by mid October (China, Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines, Russia, Vietnam, North America)
- M4A1-Balance could be acquired & equipped in the live client
[Modification of objects from tournament maps]
- Changes: Several objects from the official tournament maps (Black Widow, Port, Ankara, Sub base and Compound) will be changed to non-penetrating object.
- Applied to:
Updates will be applied to China, Brazil, and North America clients.
- The maps will not replace the original map, but will be function as exclusive maps for official CFS tournament with its official logo.

※ A change in the 'Applied Region' has been made.

Korean Chinese English Vietnamese Portuguese
블랙위도우 黑色城镇 Black Widow T Trạm Phát Sóng T Víuva Negra T
항구 港口 Port T Bến Cảng T Porto T
앙카라 异域小城 Ankara T Ankara T Ankara T
핵잠수함 潜艇 Sub Base T  Tàu Ngầm T Sub-base T
위성기지 卫星基地 Compound T Trạm Vệ Tinh T Satélite T

[Black Widow]: 3 changes
The object in the red box is changed to a steel object and the bullet does not penetrate the object.




[Port]: 3 changes
The object in the red box is changed to a steel object and the bullet does not penetrate the object.




[Ankara]: 5 changes   
The object in the red box is changed to a steel object and the bullet does not penetrate the object.






[Sub base]: 2 changes
The object in the red box is changed to a steel object and the bullet does not penetrate the object.



[Compound]: A single change
The object in the red box is changed to a steel object and the bullet does not penetrate the object.


CFS HQ will do its best to provide you with more fun and joyful CROSSFIRE esports experience.

Thank you.

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